
Mortgage Loan

  • Do you want to buy, build or renovate an apartment, house, cottage, or office space? Get a Mortgage Loan with MBC, and fast!
  • Receive financing of up to 150,000 GEL at MBC by providing real estate as collateral.
  • MBC allows you to port from any financial organization or from a private mortgagee! Improve your loan terms and credit history with MBC!
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ipotekuri sesxi

What are the Advantages of an MBC Mortgage Loan

Always better conditions for a mortgage loan of up to 150,000 GEL;
Review of financing in case of any credit history;
Grace period of up to 6 months;
Descending payment schedule, tailored to your income;
Transfer from a private mortgagee or financial institution;
Fast and simplified procedures.

Why You Should Use an MBC Mortgage Loan


  • MBC reviews any customer application with any credit history;
  • The payment schedule is individual and tailored to the needs of the borrower;
  • Transfer a mortgage loan of up to 150,000 GEL to MBC and improve the conditions;
  • MBC offers the transfer of mortgage loans from other financial organizations, as well as from private mortgagees.

What You Need to Get a Mortgage Loan

Mortgage Loans are issued on the basis of real estate collateral. This can be property that you plan to buy, or already own, say, an apartment, house, cottage, office space or land. To get a Mortgage Loan, you need to submit the following documents. An exception is when you transfer from another financial organization or from a private mortgagee, meaning you can take advantage of simplified procedures.

ID card or passport

Appropriate collateral

Proof of Age (minimum age – 18)

Main Terms of the Mortgage Loan

Loan Currency
Maximum Loan Amount
150,000 GEL
Maximum Loan Term
120 Months
Nominal Interest Rate (Fixed)
From 19%
Effective Interest Rate
From 21.1%
From 1%
Standard Cost of Mortgage Registration
GEL 76
Overdue Fine
Early Redemption Fee
If, before the end of the contract, there is left 6 month: 0%; 6-12 months: 0,5%; 12-24 months: 1%; 24+ months: 2%

How do I get the desired amount

Fill out the online application

Wait to Hear From Us

Visit a nearby MBC branch

Additionally, What You Need To Know About Mortgages

If you are already using a mortgage loan, but want to improve the conditions, it is possible to easily transfer to MBC, both from a private mortgagee and from a financial institution.

Where is it better to get a mortgage loan - with a private mortgagee or a financial institution? Which is the safest way and, something which is also very important, which is cheaper?


  • Relationships with private mortgagees who act in violation of the legislation can be dangerous for consumers.
  • In order to circumvent the law, private mortgagees do not reflect the issuance of the loan in the document when concluding the agreement. A purchase agreement is concluded and the mortgagee directly registers the apartment or other real estate as their own. Consequently, the property is managed by them and all rights are transferred to them.
  • If you find yourself in this situation, you need money urgently or if you do not have the relevant experience, be sure to contact us! MBC considers it its responsibility to give you a consultation, free of charge.
  • Keep in mind that microfinance organizations, unlike banks, have much simpler lending procedures. We also give customers who have a bad credit history a chance.

MBC is interested in establishing long-term and stable relationships with its customers, giving them the
opportunity to grow their businesses, increase their revenue and live better!


You will always find the best conditions at MBC!